Re: TI-H: Please help me on a survey


Re: TI-H: Please help me on a survey

I have to complete a survey for school and was wondering if you guys 
could help me out!

I would like you to fill out the blanks to the best of your knowlege.

Thank You for your support!

[*] Student (15 years or younger)
[ ] Adult

1.  What are the most signifigant challenges that will be faced in the 

World: Overcoming the polution problem
Country: Getting rid of drugs/alchohol
Yourself: Getting a scholarship for college

2.  What do you think should be done about each?

I think that for the polution problem, they should continue lowering the 
emissions rerquirements on cars, boats, etc. For getting rid of drugs 
and alchohol, I think that they should pass a law to put drug 
dealers/buyers behind bars for longer periods of time.  For getting my 
scholarship, I will just have to try extremely hard in high school.

3.  What can you personally do to make a positive difference in the 
world, however small it might be?

Buy and convince people to buy environmentally friendly products.

4.  What impact might your action have on others?  On the challenge 

My impact might convince other people to do the same things, making less 
demand for poluting products, thus, less polution.

>Thanks for your support once again!

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