TI-H: I need 3D help! Richard?
TI-H: I need 3D help! Richard?
I want to write a program in ether TIBasic or HAL to draw a random 3D starfield and let me rotate it with the arrow keys. (that's nothing like the 3D starfield program, which has stars coming at you)
I also want to have a program in basic that draws a shape in 3D and lets me rotate it. If it's in HAL, I would want the program to read a string variable that has all the 3D coordinates for the shape. I don't want you to waist time with a whole program, I just want to know if anyone knows what equasions I need to
1-rotate the shape in 3D and
2-show the 3D shape on the TI85's 2D screen
I know this isn't hardware, but Rich should know.
-captain worthless
"Yes, Brain, but burlap chafes me so" - pinky
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