> Hey, what model
It's a Tiger Quizwiz™ and I installed my ORIGINAL TI-85 into the new case. I'm
starting to wish I'd put my TI-86 in now, cause it's so cool, but I'm sure I
can get my hands on another Quizwiz.
> do all the buttons work
By buttons do you mean the calc??? Of course! It even has a VERY nice cover.
It used to hinge, but then you can't hold the calc right, so i modified it so
you hook the hinge side and snap the locking side in. VERY nice!
> is there room for a big EL inverter
There's room for two 9V batteries, an EL and a good AA sized inverter, an
INTERNAL memory expander, internal speaker, and turbo and volume control and
SPinTerface port and other ports if you come up with them. WHATEVER you want.
I would prefer if it were a little thicker, maybe 2-4 mm, but that's OK. The
AA battery case would fit if the front panel were mounted a little further up,
but two 9v are just as nice!!! It also GUARANTEES proper 5v SPinTerface port
opperation right up untill the batteries die!!!
Also, you need to watch out cause the case requires about 1-2 days of
modification (if your busy with school and stuff or have a job). Your fingers
will feel like falling off cause of all the cutting, and they might fall off
if you don't grip the x-acto knife right. I sliced one finger and jammed a
screwdriver into my thumb below the nail doing this case! ): Ouch!!!
>and how does the LCD fit?
The things fine! The whole calc fits in nice and you merely have to make some
minor (but finger tiring) modifications.
> Also, where can I get one of these?
Maybe a department stor might still have them. The date on mine was 1993. You
can try. It requires a lot of thinking to make it work. There is so much I
could have done better, but didn't. The second one I get a chance at will be
much easier though. Most of it was guess work. I almost ruined the whole thing
several times! The most dificult part is cutting near the cover lock. The
plaastic is about half a mm thick, and if not done carefuly, will result in
ruining the whole thing. I cut it with an x-acto knife
(x-acto=patience*10^8+pain! ):
I'd recomend dremel! (:
I'll also do more cases for others if I get my mom's dremel here to use.
Richard Piotter
The Richfiles TI Hardware and BASIC web page: