Re: TI-H: AVRs, 10000 Hits!, and my PowerBokk is =?UNKNOWN-8BIT?Q?102=B0


Re: TI-H: AVRs, 10000 Hits!, and my PowerBokk is =?UNKNOWN-8BIT?Q?102=B0F?=

>I'm probably going to start building the
>light flasher soon. I like the idea of the 9-pin port for the outputs, so if
>the person who mentioned it has a standard he created, I'd like to follow it
>for compatibility!

It's me!!
I'm flattered! d:D
I diddn't design the lightshow, but I came up with two improvements for it.

"standards are our friends"

1: 9-pin port
pin1: ground
pin2-9: +5v out for the eight leds in order (you need resistors)

2: 7-segment display hooked up like this:
6   2
5   3
--4--    (8 is the dot)

-captian worthless

"people who quote me are fools"

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