Re: TI-H: PIC -vs- AVR programmers
Re: TI-H: PIC -vs- AVR programmers
AVRs are not better chips, just like the Mac isn't better than a PC...
>I know how easy it is to build a PIC programmer (a few resistors...that's
>it) why is it so hard (nearly impossible?) to build a working AVR
>programmer? I would like to build one instead of buying one for monatery
>reasons, and because i know that the AVR's are better chips. Although, the
>PIC is remarkably easy to program for...
>-- Jon Olson
>"Nobody will ever need more than 640k RAM!" -- Bill Gates, 1981
>"Windows 95 needs at least 8 MB RAM." -- Bill Gates, 1996
>"Nobody will ever need Windows 95." -- logical conclusion