Re: TI-H: OnNow
Re: TI-H: OnNow
>On now and Off Now are the same as Apple's sleep commad for the
>PowerBook. The benifit of using a powerbook as a desktop is that you can
>simply hit the power key and chose Restart (R), Sleep (S), Cancel (Esc),
>and ShutDown (enter). Very nice, very efficient. No menus or anything! 2
>keys! that's it!!!
Most laptops can do that, the one that my company "loaned" to me has one
button for power, and one button for sleep/wakeup. It can sleep for several
days on one charge. My desktop also has a button (I had to hard-wire it to
the motherboard because I didn't have an extra button on the outside of the
case) to do the same thing. Win95 B (OSR 2) has a sleep feature right by
the shutdown.