Re: TI-H: This is for you robert


Re: TI-H: This is for you robert

There is linux available for every processor and a beta for the G3.  I'm
running linux on a Mac II.  a 16MHz computer from '88.
There are many flavors of PPC linux and 68k linux.  Try mk68.

>That is correct.  In fact, most of the Mac users I know run mklinux.
>However, mklinux is not available for many Mac processors--since Apple
>fundamentally changes their processors so often, perhaps.  On the other
>hand, linux is available on the x86 line from the 286 upto the PII (786).
>        -Bart
>         Windows NT System Administrator
>On Sat, 28 Mar 1998, Grant Stockly wrote:
>> You don't have to use the mac can program your own gui and have it
>> load instead of the finder.  I've got MacDOS which is dos for a mac and its
>> the same as the dos prompt...
>> Dos was devolped before the 70s, microsoft didn't make it.  dos is a rip of
>> cp/m and unix.
>> Not all of dos 7.0 was rewritten.  The first few lines of bootstraping code
>> are almost totally the same as 6.22...
>> >>Yeah! DOS support! Undoubtedly the most archaic and clumsy OS in
>> >>current
>> >>existence. Sorry but using a 1970*s OS with 1998*s hardware does not
>> >>make
>> >>sense to me... Perhaps those enlightened PC users out there can
>> >>enlighten
>> >>me.
>> >
>> >Gladly.
>> >
>> >DOS takes up WAY less RAM than Windows or MAC OS(no virtual disk
>> >needed!), so things run WAY faster! It is also more stable than Windows
>> >or MAC OS.  Boot up time is a lot less(well, OnNow may fix that for win
>> >:) too. If you are a programmer, it is a lot easier to access hardware
>> >through DOS (Microsoft tried, poorly, to fix this with DirectX for
>> >Windows, but no one liked it), so more games are for DOS.
>> >
>> >And yes, the OS was designed in the '70s, but that doesn't mean that they
>> >didn't update it! In fact, they completely re-wrote DOS for Windows 95.
>> >
>> >Don't get me wrong, I like Macs, I just don't see any proof to your
>> >arguments.
>> >
>> >--JdAoMtEyS
>> >-----------------------------
>> >"Oh my god, they killed Kenny!"
>> >
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