Re: TI-H: This is for you robert
Re: TI-H: This is for you robert
-Win 98 has troubles on most laptops because of video drivers...
-win 98 works on most new computers
If you mean that on now and off now are something (robert) that the mac
doesn't have, think again. I can turn my 1989 mac by selecting shutdown.
It turns off. Press the power key on the keyboard and it turns on.
This is irrevilant since no computer is better than another, period.
>Might I mention that OnNow and OffNow settings need to be included in
>the manufactures BIOS settings, and that that feature will not be
>useable by anyone with said BIOS settings. Therefore Gate's is gunna
>need to convince manufactures to include the junk into thier
>Motherboards, which caould have some problems running stuf other than
>98, something the general consumer might not like...
>Disclaimer: My mind is so fragmented by random excursions into a
>wilderness of abstractions and incipient ideas that the
>practical purposes of the moment are often submerged in my consciousness
>and I don't know what I'm doing.