Re: TI-H: G3 Rocks and a servo question???


Re: TI-H: G3 Rocks and a servo question???

I'm interested in building one.  Could you post the URL on this list?  Thanks.

At 08:48 PM 3/26/98 , you wrote:
---      ---
---      ---
---      ---
---      ---If anyone is looking for more information on building robot
stuff (voice stuff, stepped
---      ---motor drivers, sensors of every type, part lists and schematics
included) may I suggest
---      ---"Robot Builder's Bonanza-99 inexpensive Robotics Projects" (Ya
I know a stupid name,
---      ---but has alot of valuable info). If anyone is interested just
mail me.
---      ---                -Michael
---      --- 

You can . . .

Visit my TI-85/86 Webpage at: 
Or Email me at: 

Just don't use Microsoft Internet Explorer!  Okay? 

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