Re: TI-H: This is for you robert


Re: TI-H: This is for you robert

Heh...DOS was fine, fiy uo only wanted to run one program at a time, and
only use 640K of ram or use an extended memory expander, and only wanted to
work with limited file names, slow processing, badly designed interupts,
hard to use programming software. See, it was really wonderful. :)

-- Jon Olson

Linux Supporter For Life (Yet for some reason, i use Outlook Express for
mail...oh well :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Probe Doggie <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, March 26, 1998 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: TI-H: This is for you robert

>>>Win98 = Win97/95 with built in IE
>>>Win98 = Last version of windows ever going to be made.
>>Who do you get your info from?  Win98=FAT32, software BONDING of modems,
>>OnNow (basically, no boot up process), OffNow (no shutdown time), better
>>support, much better and much cooler stuff.  Bill Gates will keep making
>>newer versions of windows as much as he can keep making profits :~)
>Yeah! DOS support! Undoubtedly the most archaic and clumsy OS in current
>existence. Sorry but using a 19704s OS with 19984s hardware does not make
>sense to me... Perhaps those enlightened PC users out there can enlighten
>Probe Doggie
>P.S. May I venture Win98 = win 3.1.2 with some nifty graphics and a couple
>of VXDs.
>Probe Doggie
>Oso feel gleat stomping feet of exalted gozillawan. Him clush metlopolitan
>area like so many lightly flied hellings....
