RE: TI-H: TI-89


RE: TI-H: TI-89

Mel and I already talked about that.  It would be huge.  SIMMS are DRAM
which means DYNAMIC and they need a special interface/refresh circut to
work.  You can't back them up when it is turned off either.  The refresh
circut is either on-memory on or off-memroy off...

>Hey, the way that the memory works in all the calculators (except 92
>maybe) is all the memory is reset when the batteries are removed.  This
>means that this is ram and not flash ram.  Now a cheap way to expand the
>memory might be to use the old 1MB 30-pin SIMMs from computers.  Those
>are very easy to find at a very cheap price.  If someone had enough time
>to make those into a memory expander, then memory expanders would be a
>lot easier to build and there wouldn't ever be a problem of finding
>memory chips or parts being discontinued.
>        -iceboxman
>TI-CALC Discoveries
> or
>>Reply To:
>>Sent:  Friday, March 20, 1998 10:39 AM
>>Subject:       Re: TI-H: TI-89
>>>grant, did you say that you talked to TI about more possible features
>>>for the 89?
>>I told them in september to make a 92 with SIMM support the size of a
>>TI92....aparently they don't "use" their calcs too much durring testing...