Re: TI-H: Temp sensor code
Re: TI-H: Temp sensor code
Thanks for decompiling it, I don't mean to be annoying but I have juno...
So can anyone meail it to me in TExt format or UUE format? Thanks.
While I'm here, let me say that all plans/hardware/code... should be put
into a pub. domain area like after the author loses interest,
or is not planning on working on expanding it's horizons. All that
people do by not releasing the stuff is setting us back to the time
before they came here, before they tempted us with their ideas and then
dropped the project halfway through. I can say that anyhting that I had
made/planned/wrote is easy for all to view. I posted my ideas for a new
case here, if anyone wanted to make it, and I have all my basic games
(Whack-A-Mole and TTT) in Graphlink editable form, and even posted a
goofy virtual pet, the Invisipxl Pet and said that the engine was good,
if anyone wanted to use it and make a full program, just give me some
sort of credit. If there was ever anyting I done/made/planned that you
never saw, and would like ot see just ask me and I wil release it to the
~Larry C (Text or UUE only)
BTW for all of you who never used UUE, it is a converter where you open
the converted file and paste it into mail. It looks like:
begin 664
You would then cut the [begin...end] part and save it as demo.uue, then
run it through a decoder and it makes the file. Poplualr in the
days of text based email like juno.
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