TI-H: Re: A85: More questions


TI-H: Re: A85: More questions

Actually, I would like some more useful math routines for assembly; I'm
currently re-writing a specialized dice-roller that I wrote in TI-Basic, for
several reasons.  One, experience.  Two, speed, as it loops a lot
calculating.  Three, to improve the interface. And 4, to make it nearly
untamperable;  It's a dice roller we use at our LARPs and decompiling and
rewriting Z80 assembly is a chore even for the NSA guys we got playing..

Right now I've got everything working except the one that will generate a
random number based on a die of any number of side.. I'm rewriting it to use
the routine from ZTetris for random numbers..

Sysop of Imperial Realms
Re: A85: More questions

I think it's a wonderful idea to develop a compiler, but maybe you
should just make it rather basic.  I mean floating point arithmetic is
generally unnecessary for the applications written for ZShell, etc.  The
only real application for it is in a math program (and those are best
written in TI-BASIC).  Possibly you should stick to integer arithmetic.
Erik L Gillespie wrote:>
> I guess 16 bit would work but I'm looking for one that is 32 bit and
> handles decimals.  If you want to know why, I'm working on a Z80 compiler
> and am building up libraries for it.