Re: TI-H: Pager thingy from Yahoo, pretty cool!


Re: TI-H: Pager thingy from Yahoo, pretty cool!

I wasn't aiming for a mail and news client (although, i can write one of
those too). I was aiming for something like ICQ that allows on-line
notification/messages/maybe chat/maybe filetransfer. Depends on how big i
want this thing to be. Of course, if you've got an EII, you've got room to
throw your games while you run this. This would be especially useful with a
RF modem. Just need to put a receiver in yer school's comp lab on some dark
secluded computer, and chat all through math class :>. (And yes, my whole
goal is to waste away the next 4 years and then go off to colege knowing
absolutely everything i was supposed to learn in HS because i learned it
either on my own, or from the inet).

-- Jon Olson

-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Stockly <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, March 10, 1998 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: TI-H: Pager thingy from Yahoo, pretty cool!

>This will be possible through the modem cart.  Don't make a special server,
>lets just make the TI drivers compatible with POP3 and NNTP...
>>Ok...Grant's been pushing his 8-bit I/O thingamajigger on this EII. Now,
>>anyone else has ever looked at the SLIP protocol definion, you'll discover
>>that's it's ramarkably simple. You've got two important bytes ESC and END.
>>Basically, you encapsupate IP into that, send it with an ESC END at each
>>and, and replace every ESC with ESC ESC and yer done. I think it should be
>>fairly easy to build a (very simple) program for the TI that connects to
>>internet using SLIP. I'd be glad to write up a little server proggie and
>>host it on any one of my boxes sitting out there on T1s. ICQ/AIM for teh
>>Right around the corner - i say. Especially since it would always be
>>to a specific IP on a specific port. It could also use UDP to make things
>>simpler (for all those of you not familliar with this, just know that UDP
>>simpler to use than TCP). If anyone feels like helping me code the TI end,
>>i'll gladly write a server (I can do this in about an hour).
>>-- Jon Olson
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Christopher Kalos <>
>>To: '' <>
>>Date: Tuesday, March 10, 1998 12:31 AM
>>Subject: RE: TI-H: Pager thingy from Yahoo, pretty cool!
>>As long as we're spamming, look at the last line on my sig.  That's the
>>IM tool.  It's for internet users, and allows you to contact AOL users as
>>well.  It's also free, and it works rather well, I have most of my friends
>>suckered into it, because it works decently, and I can still keep tabs on
>>less computer-literate friends ("What's an ISP???")
>>Now, if we could establish a client for that on the TI's, that would rock.
>>Just another addon to the Calc Internet project.
>>Christopher Kalos
>>VirtuTech Developer's Group
>>AOL IM: Raptor1CK
>>From: Robert Brack[]
>>Sent: Monday, March 09, 1998 10:49 PM
>>To: TI-86 Hardware List
>>Subject: TI-H: Pager thingy from Yahoo, pretty cool!
>>Have you seen the Yahoo! Pager?  It's like AOL's IMs, but over the whole