TI-H: I'm signing off


TI-H: I'm signing off

After being on this list for about two years, I'm finally signing off. The
reasons are simple: I'm no longer as interested as before in TI hardware
development, and I don't have time to read about fifty list messages a day.

I've noticed a change in my attitude over the time I've been here: in the
beginning I was an enthusiast, but now I'm become more of a cynic. If I 
don't leave now, I might hurt someone, so it's better to leave.

The list itself hasn't changed much. There has always been a guru (or two)
who knows just about everything, and lot of people who just hang around
and get excited, but seldom make anything of their own. Mel's status as
The Expert was taken over by Grant, who has handled his position quite 
well most of the time. Richard has also been very productive.

Some people have been annoyed about me complaining about the list content.
There are times when the discussion on the list dries down, and times when
there can be over a hundred messages per day. As long as the discussion is
really about TI hardware, that's fine, but I get pretty easily annoyed by
messages that clearly don't belong here. Maybe that's just a fault in me,
and I apologize for sometimes annoying other people by complaining about
off topic messages.

One feature that I've noticed lately is that when the hardware addons and
hacks get more and more advanced, designing them also becomes more
secretive. Some projects, like the SPinTerface, the $4 and $5 link cables
and the EL backlight, which are pretty simple to their function, have been
readily published and discussed, while microcontroller-based systems like
the expanders (except the ESF) and IR links are more or less being held as
secrets. I'm sort of an idealist on this subject and wouldn't like to see 
the TI hardware hacking hobby become a business, but I also understand the 
authors' wish to protect their months of hard work.

To everyone on this list, keep up the good work. Despite the many
vaporware devices, the people on this list have also created many
ingenious (and sometimes even useful =) ) devices and hacks.

I will probably still continue development of the MBus on my spare time,
which unfortunately is scarce nowadays. If you have anything to say to me,
don't mail to the list, mail directly to me.


*** Osma Suominen *** ozone@clinet.fi *** http://www.clinet.fi/~ozone ***