TI-H: MIDI with SID chip
TI-H: MIDI with SID chip
>Where do you get a SID chip or application information?
The SID chip was the chip that generated audio for the Commodore 64 and
128. Comparable to Nintento or Gameboy sound, and very simple. I have a
book with a whole section on it. I tried to find it, but It's at my moms
house, so I'll have to pick it up. Jameco sells the 6581 SID, which is a
12 volt version. I'll look to see if thereis a 5 volt only version.
Otherwise, a DC/DC converter may be possible. I can guarante it'll draw
some power, but for decent sound, I think a box may be nescesary. Also,
something betwer must have come allong. The SID is just the model to go
by. There may be newer ones too. We'll just have to see.
>>Yeah.. I used to do sound programming on the C-64, which I believe is
the same
>>chip.. (might be a little earlier version.) anyway.. you just needed
to tell
>>what waveform it was then put in the note values.. it did have pretty
>>sound.. I gotta admit it would rock on a TI :)
>>> >waveform generator, but I doubt it. Personaly, I'd use the SID chip
>>> >the commodore 128. It had 3 chanels, 4 waveforms (sine, square,
>>> >triangle, and noise), and it has 4 bit audio amplitude control
>>> >from 0 to 15), and the wave form is 12 BITS!!!. That's high
quality. You
>>> >don't need much to control it Atack, sustain, reverb, decay,
>>> >pitch, and volume level. The SID chip can emulate a Piano and play
a not
>>> >with a few commands!!! I've set it up to play music before with
>>> >carring the melody, harpsichord on harmony, and noise to simulate
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