RE: TI-H: EII and EIII compatibility
RE: TI-H: EII and EIII compatibility
>I am starting to wonder also...
change your mind before reading the rest of this...
i ask the list if anyone could help me
>with a pressure sensor driver, grant IMEDIATLY informed me that he had
>made one monthes ago and that he would send it.
I thought I would be able to untill I read the NDA closer. It says I ahve
to receive permission from bryan before I release it. I will release it if
you want, but seriously its no help without the stuff I can't give you...
here is the driver
gettemp: call _get_ti
ld temp, a
ld hl, temp
Then for the rest all you do is calibrate the temp sensor by checking the
remp with another meter and assigning a scale for the temp. Then you just
inigrate that into the program... They are all diffent...
he said he had the 83
>version. but now he wont send it or answer my e-mails about it.
Remember that I said I had a life, I wasn't home yesterday to anwser your
e-mail the second it arrived.
>ANYONE goten the EII drivers?
I have yet to get permission
I duno maybee he just hates me :O
I thought it was the other way arround since you won't give me the link or
what ever...
>....actualy thats a very real posibility im afraid to say. Since i
>exploded one day and used a little tiny bit of foul language which his
>mother didn't apreciate. I realy am sorry!
I already told you what was in the past doesn't matter. :)
However i do think that
>he realy is working on all of this stuff and it does exist.
it does.
maybee we
>just need to be more patient...
of bryan, mel, and I
i mean he doesent own us anything
>realy... he is doing this on his own free will.
right on. The last thing I would do is upset this group. I am going to
release it asap! I tried for hours to get into the chanel so I could chat
with bryan, but... (read IRC message)
Ryan: I will make the schematic. for it and give you a beetter driver
IF ANYONE HAS a SCHEMATIC program I need it! I spent 2 hours on the I/o
expander schematic and I'm still not done!