Re: TI-H: New calc design
Re: TI-H: New calc design
That won't work. Mel and I already tried it. The only way to do it is to
reprogram the code. Commented Source code for mp3 de/coding is illegal.
You have to buy the $150 book. There is no way arround it. Then go to
college, then try it...
>Get WinAmp, read the section in the about screen's about Amp
>Download the source to Amp, rip out all the MP3 decoding parts
>Now that you've got the decoding parts, continue from Grant's part about
>graduating college ( seem4ed like a good idea until i thought about
>turning it into a circuit).
>-- Jon Olson
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Grant Stockly <>
>To: <>
>Date: Saturday, March 07, 1998 6:47 AM
>Subject: RE: TI-H: New calc design
>>>Apparently, MP3 uses floating point.
>> plan on doing mp3 decoding? A Mach 60MHz DSP can hardly handle it.
>>It takes atleast a 100MHz 486 DX to decode 16bit 44KHz... and you can't do
>>anything but MP3s on that slow of a processor.
>>Decoding mp3s is hard.:
>>1. Pay $150 to purchase decoding standards (ie: not free)
>>2. Graduate from a college (take the hardest EE course)
>>3. Then maybe you could do it.
>>Mel is trying to do it and hes going nowhere. Interfacing a duck to a
>>calculator would be easier.