Re: TI-H: I'm Building EIIs very soon (when I get schematics)


Re: TI-H: I'm Building EIIs very soon (when I get schematics)

>I'll probably charge $60, plus $5 for the SPinTerface, plus $5 for 
>shipping for the SPinTerface version.

>The EII is Grant and Bryan's project. I'm simply buying the parts from 
>them and building it for people. As soon as I get some more orders, i'll 
>ask Grant for chips.

I don't know about most people but I haven't gotten around to making my
SPinTerface yet.  If I was to buy an EII from you I'm wondering if you
would be willing to put the SPinTerface into my calculators?  And if so,
how much would it cost?  Could you cut a deal if I wanted my 85 and 86 both
done?  I'm assuming that the SPinTerface works with the 86 too.  Please get
back to me privately, or to the list because I'm positive that I'm not the
only person in this situation.  Thanks for everything you've done.
*        Matthew Christenberry        *
*        ---------------------        *
*        *
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*           Mattchris@Efnet           *
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*       Member of The TI-Philes       *
*          Senior Editor              *
*          Head of Reviews            *
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