Re: TI-H: IR link
Re: TI-H: IR link
Actually, I have the schematics for an illegal 25w transmitter, show me how
to hook it up, and then maybe you can use it yourself!!! (BTW, I'll get
permission from the FCC before using it in Indiana!)
-Robert Brack
-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Stockly <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, March 07, 1998 1:09 AM
Subject: Re: TI-H: IR link
>First I have to make it legal for the lower 48...right now its a 5watt
>radio link. Mine went 6 miles...the finished one will go 500 yards.
>>Where are the schematics/drivers? I NEED to get one of these (IR links)
>>because me most of my teachers are driving me CRAZY!!! I would like a
>>chance to get even, without getting suspended for having a remote control.
>>If they ask me what those things are sticking out of my calc, I'll say
>>they are for an IR link. By erasing the memory the second a teacher
>>walking toward you. . .
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