Re: TI-H: New calc design


Re: TI-H: New calc design

Get WinAmp, read the section in the about screen's about Amp
Download the source to Amp, rip out all the MP3 decoding parts
Now that you've got the decoding parts, continue from Grant's part about
graduating college ( seem4ed like a good idea until i thought about
turning it into a circuit).

-- Jon Olson

-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Stockly <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, March 07, 1998 6:47 AM
Subject: RE: TI-H: New calc design

>>Apparently, MP3 uses floating point.
> plan on doing mp3 decoding?  A Mach 60MHz DSP can hardly handle it.
>It takes atleast a 100MHz 486 DX to decode 16bit 44KHz... and you can't do
>anything but MP3s on that slow of a processor.
>Decoding mp3s is hard.:
>1.  Pay $150 to purchase decoding standards (ie: not free)
>2.  Graduate from a college (take the hardest EE course)
>3.  Then maybe you could do it.
>Mel is trying to do it and hes going nowhere.  Interfacing a duck to a
>calculator would be easier.