Re: TI-H: New Calculator!!!
Re: TI-H: New Calculator!!!
>Ok...this is pissing me one seemed to have deat my message
>that was accedentally posted 3 times about this same idea...but
>cmoon...sound? you people want game...a calculator is for math...I love
>the idea of hacking it to do cool stuff..but when you are out of school
>and in the real world and people see you with an oversized calculator
>with 128Mg of ram with a P2...why not buy a Palmtop? let's see it has
> colour grey OR 256 COLOR LCR!!! If you want
>Visual C++ and a palmtop...a calculator is for math...a gui is nice for
>quicker navigating and the temp sensor is nice..but everything else is
>games for nothing...not the future but for the short present...think
>REALISTIC, not fun and game that will be trashed in 4 years
What's wrong if we WANT to put games on in? Games kick! It's more than
just playing the games, or using the sound card, the funnest part is
designing it, and building it! Why not. I't OK if you don't want games on
your calc. WE DO!!! As for the sound card, what is your problem? I think
it's really cool that we can do all this stuff with a calculator!
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