Re: TI-H: Cases READ!
Re: TI-H: Cases READ!
OK.. heard alot about this.. personally I want just a slightly modified,
different color, original case. So.. If you could... tell me what the molds
are made out of for the injection mold machine.. and how they are made.. Like
where the nipple goes for the molding and stuff.. If I can with my shop out
here.. I'll make the mold.. then give it to whoever has access to a machine...
But I need that info.. also.. about these EL panels.. I know someones selling
them for $25. Seems to me just a tad bit expensive.. is there any place to buy
them in bulk.. the inverters also.. if so.. I have the funds to buy about
50-100 or so (if there cheap enough) and I'll pass them on to you guys for my
cost plus shipping and stuff.. probably be a little cheaper that way..
> >like I mentioned in a previous message, jointed cases are dificult, and
> >can be done later.