

Look it's not that big of a deal just delete all of the messages
that you do not want to read. There is no law saying: Thou Salt Read
Every Word In Every E-Mail That You Get! Wake Up! This is email, delete
and forget about it. If you ever do need to veiw it it will always be in
the archives.

-mj <>

Robert Brack wrote:
> Excuse me, maybe some of these things are getting out of hand, but some of
> the are not.  I don' mind a few messages about girls/ISDN/getting to
> bed/etc.  It doesn't bother me.  What bothers me is people (like yourself)
> trying to tell the rest of the people on this list what to write and what
> not to write.
> >I have a problem with messages of the following topics seen on this list
> >recently:
> >
> >Which OS/platform/etc. is the best one?
> >What is the fastest processor? (non-TI)
> >Who has a social life?
> >What the time is somewhere and who is going to sleep now.
> >Who talks with girls on the phone while reading the list?
> >Who has ISDN access, what it costs etc.
> >Random chat about skaters, how calc enthusiasts are treated at school etc.
> >
> >If you seriously think these topics belong to this list, please mail me
> >_by private e-mail_.
> >
> >If not, DON'T reply to this message, especially not to this list.
> >I admit this thread should be listed along the other non-hardware threads
> >that shouldn't be on this list.
> >
> >I accept that the TI-Hardware list gives me over a hundred messages a day,
> >but I get very annoyed by non-hardware messages that flood my mailbox. I'm
> >subscribed to this list because I want to follow the hardware discussion.
> >If you need to speak about other subjects, create your own list, move to
> >the IRC or maybe use private e-mail. Just keep it off the TI-Hardware list.
> >
> >-Ozone
> >
> >--
> >*** Osma Suominen *** *** ***
> >
> >
