Re: TI-H: Plastic cases, EII, & MMODs: READ


Re: TI-H: Plastic cases, EII, & MMODs: READ

Rich - he said that he was making his own style not compatible with yours
about 5 times (maybe 50...  :)  )

Even so, there isn't much he can do but make it uncompatible wiht the EII,
EuP, and EIII which won't be compatible with any of your mem things...

>Guess what!!! The other guy who claims all this stuff will be in the

Lemmie get one thing strait...I had the ideabefore you even told me.  And I
think we told our ideas at the same time in a not to friendly manner...  :)

Its a small world, but not small enough for 2 ideas to happen at the same
time...  Robert, however, copied your idea IMO...

Btw, all carts will not be compatible with the EIII since the EIII will use
a few extra wires for banking and SRAM notification...  I will tell about
that later...

>SPinTerface port. I let Grant hear about the MMOD port long ago (I may
>have even showed it to him). The person making the case may add the
>openings, and grant can add the electronics, but MMODs will only be
>allowed to be sold by them, WHEN they sell the case.
>For those interested, including Grant and Robert, here is the MMOD
>design, and you may use it.
>5v+  Batt+  Activation  Gnd
>0      1         2       3
>Batt+ and activation are shorted together by the MMOD to activate power
>to the EII. 5v+ and Gnd are power of course, but they use a power source
>identical to the SPinTerface port to activate and deactivate.
>Pins 0, 1, 2, & 3 are the four lines to the memory chip. I can get the
>actual pins each one connects to the memory chip in a day or two.
>I will be selling SPinTerface Port versions of the EII, with the MMOD
>port built in. I will also sell my MMODs individualy. Ask if you are
>interested. I'll release them when the EII hardware is released.
>The cases are up to the creators, and they have permision to use my
>SPinTerface port and the MMOD port (for a standard), and they will be
>allowed to sell pre-built MMODs with the cases. I'd prefer they only
>sell 1 per case, 2 or more if requested. I will be producing MMODs for
>those who want to purchase them later on, but I may give the people
>making the case permission to sell MMODs individualy as well. It just
>depends on how things go.
>Don't yell please, cause It's not like i'm swearing or saying what they
>can't do. I'm just letting everyone know what was going on and setting a
>few, hopefuly temporary, guidelines.
>Sorry if This is a problem, but it had to be said.
>Richard Piotter
>The Richfiles TI Page
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