Re: TI-H: New plastic cases
Re: TI-H: New plastic cases
i guess if you are definently makeing them then i will just hold of on
it and see if you need help... are you makeing them for all calculator
modles, 8x/92?
>Are you gonna be making them? If not, why are you answering for me?
Oh, are
>you the one who's going to order them? I'm just warning you, mine are
>to come w/ all the interfaces built in, plus the wonderful EII slot,
just to
>let you know.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ryan pogge <>
>To: <>
>Date: Monday, March 02, 1998 2:12 PM
>Subject: Re: TI-H: New plastic cases
>>82/83/85/86 if we use the back only idea...
>>if we redo the entire case...only the 85/86 to start , and then after
>>that whatever is in the most demand..
>>>What calculator model would they be for?
>>>"Oh my god, they killed Kenny!"
>>>On Sun, 1 Mar 1998 23:40:40 EST MangoMan43 <>
>>>>I think whoever has the resourses, time, and capital to make these
>>>>cases, will
>>>>end up a well known, rich man.
>>>>I'd buy one or two
>>>>... and then when all my friends see the case, they'll one one... so
>>>>i'd have
>>>>to buy 5 more, and sell the cases to them...ect..!
>>>>This would be great.
>>>>My .02
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