Re: TI-H: New plastic cases


Re: TI-H: New plastic cases

Ok here is a big ol list of sites that I have gone through I will try to list
the site from best to least ok. (lots o links)
ding_and_Machining/Injection_Molding/Machinery_and_Equipment/ (entire search
on yahoo sorry know that you could do this on your own but just trying to save
time for you) (They will do a lot of stuff for you)
Those are the best out of 4 search engines Lots of them could have more info
on there website. Keep in touch and tell me how it is going. I am going to put
somthing up on my web page about it and see if there is interest else where.
Tell me the machine you are thinking about getting. Btw silkscreening is a
process that people use to put logos and tee shirts remote controles printers
just about anything I dont think you will need to do any of that but you might
want to just in case your school most likily has one that you could use for a
while befor getting one they are pretty cheap. Also send me your proposed plan
for the box and I will put that up on my website.