Re: TI-H: random email


Re: TI-H: random email

"They"...  The microchip industry will be neck to neck for ever.  IBM is
also working on 700 and 533MHz designs of its 750 which will also scream.
Intel and IBM will alaways be at the top.  Intel or IBM will make something
new, then Intel or IBM will make something that is just as good to keep up.
I think Intel might even release a PIII chip or something to compete wiht
the 750...

>Yeah, did you hear they are coming out with a 1-teraflop (1000mhz) chip in a
>few years?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Grant Stockly <>
>To: <>
>Date: Sunday, March 01, 1998 4:25 PM
>Subject: Re: TI-H: random email
>Actually there is no superior OS, and Macs and IBMs are both PCs...
>If there was a superior OS it wouldn't run on Intel, it would run on IBM
>Inc. processors.
>>That's ok, we KNOW the superior OS, PC of course!
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Robert Cicconetti <>
>>To: <>
>>Date: Sunday, March 01, 1998 9:50 AM
>>Subject: Re: TI-H: random email
>>Please, take it to e-mail;  the last thing this list needs is another
>>flame war.. Too bad about the Newtons, though..
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: MangoMan43 <>
>>To: <>
>>Date: Sunday, March 01, 1998 12:03 PM
>>Subject: Re: TI-H: random email
>>>In a message dated 98-03-01 09:15:50 EST, you write:
>>> Itīs the reason you arenīt lumbered with stone-age command-line
>>> as your only OS option, buddy.
>>> P.S. The 750 chip is 12.8% faster than an equivalent Pentium II chip, and
>>> stuff your alpha arguments right back up where they came from. >>
>>>I think its kinda funny that on the newest breed of Mac's, Windows will
>>>better on that machine, then on a PC.
>>>Just my .02