Re: TI-H: National's page
Re: TI-H: National's page
I guess they both will work.
>Isn't it or is that a different thing? I'll try using
>the email forms engine to search.
>~Larry C
>On Thu, 25 Jun 1998 21:38:37 -0700 "SMC12" <> writes:
>>Well, go to their website ( and search for lm75. It
>>up with 2. Choose the temp. sensor, and order free samples from
>>there. Not
>>quite sure of the exact address, but it's on their site.
>>>Thy are pretty unresponsive by fax, so can anyone give me the url of
>>>page to request free samples (temp chips) from. Without i-access, I
>>>the full URL so I can retrieve it from a getweb or gophermail server.
>>>~Larry C
>>>[My first hardware release (including 82 and 85 drivers(!) ) is only
>>>Days(!!!) away]
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