Re: TI-H: MPG's and Misc Ideas
Re: TI-H: MPG's and Misc Ideas
That's a rather moot point. As you acknowledged new machines
don't ship with SCSI. I can't see spending $500 for a few
extra MBits/sec. Have you ever compared the prices between
equivalent IDE and SCSI drives?
Likewise you can go buy an Amiga at a swap show. But that doesn't
mean its conquered the market (although it would have been nice
if it had!)
The failed in that sentence was mostly refering to Betamax BTW. :)
Richard Johnson wrote:
> Bryan Rittmeyer wrote:
> > Well, I don't think MPEG3 has much future as an audio standard. Those
> > compression nuts are pumping out new stuff all the time... and as
> > computers get more advanced so will the compression algorythms.
> > I think a portable, digital audio player is a bit ahead of its time,
> > seeing as how you can't simply walk into a normal music store, plug
> > in your digital player and have the latest DMB CD downloaded to it in
> > thirty seconds and your credit card charged $18.95 or whatever.
> > Sure, you may have ten thousand mp3s on DAT tape but the vast majority
> > of the population has never even downloaded an MPEG3 player, whereas
> > almost everyone has a cheap analog tape player/radio. As BETAMAX,
> > SCSI, and so many other failed "awesome" standards have showed us,
> > numbers do matter more than quality in the electronics business.
> >
> Um, SCSI isn't a failed interface. IBM PC's use it for superior speed, it just
> never caught on with the masses because it used to be so much more expensive
> than IDE. (IDE on IBM's USUALLY come on the motherboard, not always but
> usually, so its just the cost of the drive, no worrying about which connector
> am I supposed to use? or I have to terminate it???, you just play and play, or
> set one jumper and plug and play. With SCSI you need a host adapter, then you
> need to know the SCSI id's of everything etc. Too hard for the 'end user',
> refering to those people who turn on the computer, but don't have a clue past
> playing some games and installing stuff.)
> SCSI is also on ALL mac's, but I refuse to buy one for multiple reasons, one
> of which is the total lack of support for it from 3rd party developers, just
> try to buy StarCraft when I could buy it on IBM, its not going to happen. Any
> way, Apple was smart and used SCSI insted of this crappy idea we call IDE.
> (Yeah, I'm talking about the original IDE, where the throughput sucked no
> matter how fast the drive was spinning) So thats why I use SCSI, and so do a
> lot of professionals, so really it wasn't a failure, it just isn't wide spread
> because the average computer user it too stupid to figure it out.
> > The gas vending idea is a good one, but I think they should just get
> > rid of gasoline powered automobiles in favor of electric ones. Gas
> > engines are at best 20% efficient... good electric cars can do about
> > 60%. I'm no environmentalist, but it doesn't make sense to waste
> > energy.
> >
> > Man, now I'm way off topic.
> >
> > Bryan
> >
> > John Malluck wrote:
> > >
> > > I see the possibility of making a small fortune of of a portable mpg
> > > player! Damn, I'd gladly part with $300 to buy one.
> > >
> > > Good Ideas for the day:
> > > 1. Digital Radio. If your going to make a mpg for the car why not
> > > include a unit for processing digital radio? Cd quality radio! Or you
> > > could set up a system where you could pay for commercial-less radio
> > > (encoded data). Who knows...
> > >
> > > 2. Gas vending machine. Why not cross a gas pump with a vending machine.
> > > Feed it $5 and get $5 dollars worth of gas metered out. More efficient!
> > > No night staff needed at gas stations!
> > >
> > > Just some ideas I needed to get out into the mainstream....
> > > -Michael Malluck
> >
> > --
> > Bryan Rittmeyer
> >
> >
> Adam Johnson
Bryan Rittmeyer