Re: TI-H: calc fixes...


Re: TI-H: calc fixes...

this is just a repost because nobody responded to this due to the mail

> >  >I was just wondering what it would cost if I sent someone my seemingly 
>  > broken
>  >  >86 and they fix it and install my EL...  reply!
>  >  It depends what part broke.
>  >  
>  >  --Brian
>  >  
>  >  
>  thats the problem... i have NO CLUE as to what is broken.. i tested the
>  linkport and no power is coming out of it...  another possibility is the 
> chips
>  being erased (which would be nearly impossible to fix) cause my brother
>  "playfully" magnetized the screwdriver i was using.. uh oh!
>  just tell me prices for any problem you know of..
>  (examples: ribbon cable not in correctly
>                   erased chips
>                    broken on button (i was looking in to that, unlikely 
> though)
>                   etc
>                   etc)
>  also tell me prices!
>  thnx
