Re: TI-H: calc fixes...


Re: TI-H: calc fixes...

In a message dated 6/9/98 4:19:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

>  >I was just wondering what it would cost if I sent someone my seemingly 
> broken
>  >86 and they fix it and install my EL...  reply!
>  It depends what part broke.
>  --Brian
thats the problem... i have NO CLUE as to what is broken.. i tested the
linkport and no power is coming out of it...  another possibility is the chips
being erased (which would be nearly impossible to fix) cause my brother
"playfully" magnetized the screwdriver i was using.. uh oh!
just tell me prices for any problem you know of..
(examples: ribbon cable not in correctly
                 erased chips
                  broken on button (i was looking in to that, unlikely though)

also tell me prices!