Re: TI-H: ACPlay. NOT "mpman"
Re: TI-H: ACPlay. NOT "mpman"
On the contrary. I'm not sure of the details, but this type of machine
would probably use a laptop cd-rom type drive (basically a discman with an
extra data output to interface with a PCMCIA). A decoder box and controller
system would plug into this. This is also quite cool because you can play
both audio and mp3 cds. This is cheaper than HD drives (most PCMCIA drives
run at least $150/$200, right?) whereas the cdrom would run at about $130).
This would also allow unlimited storage capacity (just keep burning cds),
and cds are cheap as hell (you can even get them free). It is a MUCH more
viable option, and has a drastically lower price per megabyte.
-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Stockly <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, June 05, 1998 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: TI-H: ACPlay. NOT "mpman"
>CDr drives aren't in portbale design. This mp3 player I devolped is the
>targeted sizer of a VHS tape. A CDR version would be huge and slow. It
>would also skip. The hard drive version works the same, is rewritable,
>cheeper, and connects to your parallel port. There are drivers being
>written for linux to use the mp3 player as a normal hard drive under
>>how much will the cd-r version cost?? (I have a burner and I have
>>always wanted one of these :)