Re: Re(2): Re(2): TI-H: MP3s
Re: Re(2): Re(2): TI-H: MP3s
: You lost me. No offense, but I wonder if you know what you're talking
:about. All a CD is is a bunch of 1's and 0's which sound exactly the same
:played via the cd-rom drive or directly off your hd in wav form. Mp3's are
:merely compressed versions of these wavs which are then decompressed in
:time (or buffered depending on your decoder settings) and played via your
:wav stream on your sound card. I'm not too knowledgable about sound cards,
:but I know this is true, and mp3s should sound the same on any sound card
:that can play 16-bit+ wav's.
It's just that the decompressed .mp3 bitstream is NOT the same as the
original bitstream.. perceptional (sp?) encoding works very well for some
songs, not as well for others. Some songs in particular require more than
128 k/s.
Question: Has anyone messed with one of the new USB speakers supported by
Win98 where the sound is not converted to analog UNTIL it hits the speaker
itself? That oughta have a NICE DAC.