Re: Re(2): Re(2): TI-H: MP3s


Re: Re(2): Re(2): TI-H: MP3s

    I think I understand now. Grant was saying that some sound cards have
worse converters (DACs) than others? But that would affect any sound output,
not just mp3s. CD audio would also sound different.


-----Original Message-----
From: morph- <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, June 04, 1998 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: Re(2): Re(2): TI-H: MP3s

>Cept for one teency weency little thing. Sound cards have to convert those
>0's and 1's to sound. Unfortunately, some of them don't do a good job of
>it, and sound bad.
>On Thu, 4 Jun 1998, Gabe wrote:
>>     You lost me. No offense, but I wonder if you know what you're talking
>> about. All a CD is is a bunch of 1's and 0's which sound exactly the same
>> played via the cd-rom drive or directly off your hd in wav form. Mp3's
>> merely compressed versions of these wavs which are then decompressed in
>> time (or buffered depending on your decoder settings) and played via your
>> wav stream on your sound card. I'm not too knowledgable about sound
>> but I know this is true, and mp3s should sound the same on any sound card
>> that can play 16-bit+ wav's.
>> -Gabe
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Grant Stockly <>
>> To: <>
>> Date: Thursday, June 04, 1998 4:23 PM
>> Subject: Re: Re(2): Re(2): TI-H: MP3s
>> >
>> >If you want good sound, what ever sound card you have, you need to get
>> >Intermetal stero DAC which is made to interface to DVD, CD, amd MPEG
>> >bitstreams.  The DAC on your sound card is made to interface to a
>> >They use different bitstreams, and sound different.
>> >
>> >>    What the hell are you babbling about? Don't try to make yourself
>> >>like an 'eleet' audiophile. mp3's sound practically cd quality at
>> 128k/44.1
>> >>if they are encoded correctly.
>> >>
>> >>-Gabe
>> >>
>> >>-----Original Message-----
>> >>From: Grant Stockly <>
>> >>To: <>
>> >>Date: Wednesday, June 03, 1998 5:47 PM
>> >>Subject: Re: Re(2): Re(2): TI-H: MP3s
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>>
>> >>>>>and most of all, you can hardly reliaze any decrease in quality!
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>I can hear it on my speakers, and on my cousins Marantz and Snell
>> >>>>equipment it is obvious (still sounds pretty good, but not nearly as
>> >>>>nice as the CD).
>> >>>
>> >>>Tell them to either get a new sound card or something like that.  MP3s
>> >>>sound horrible unless you buy a specialized DAC card.  NOT a Sound
>> blaster
>> >>>or something liek that...
>> >>>
>> >>>Actually, 150 CDs would only take 8,125MB.
>> >>>
>> >>>>I'm all for more compact storage, my entire CD collection (~150)
>> >>>>would fit into just about 10GB if MP3 encoded.  Drop a bunch of the
>> >>>>songs I don't like and I could fit it all onto one 9GB drive.
>> >>>>If I had an extra monitor and sound card, I'd consider setting up my
>> >>>>extra computer to replace my CD player.  But I don't, so I don't
>> >>>>bother collecting MP3's. (I do have an 800mb graphics library
>> >>>>
>> >>>>DK
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >
>> >
>> >
