Re: TI-H: MP3s


Re: TI-H: MP3s

Pleeease, i beg you....PLEASE don't start another PC/MAC war...
It's a well known fact that the CHIPS used in Macs are faster than those
used in PC's, and they always have been. HOWEVER, most people's argument
(including mine) against macs is the operating system. Which it plenty
stable...stable enough to force you to restart on almost every crash (at
least that i've seen). However, 95 is just as bad, and i haven't seen 98
yet. The only operating system i've ever used that's REALLY stable is QNX,
and the only other person on this list who i think has even heard of it is
Grant. Don't be rusing out to buy it. You won't now, nor will you ever
find it in stores. Thank you. please don't comment on my statements in
this message relating to operating systems. They are entirely based on my
personal experience.

-- Jon Olson

On Thu, 4 Jun 1998, Grant Stockly wrote:

> >hey my P75 runs winamp just fine! (it just won't do anything else while
> >it does... :)
> My 70MHz and 80MHz macs can play games while playing MP3s...

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