TI-H: LED Blinker
TI-H: LED Blinker
I am still having problems getting my LED blinker to run. It assembles fine but does nothing when I run it. I have an oscilloscope, so I know that it is not just blinking too fast to see. Any comments? I need this routine to control the RF chip in the wireless link.
#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#define end .end
#include "ti83asm.inc"
#include "tokens.inc"
.org 9327h
call _clrlcdfull
ld hl,0203h
ld (CURROW), hl
ld hl, Str1
call _puts
ld hl,0204h
ld (CURROW), hl
ld hl, Str2
call _puts
ld hl,0205h
ld (CURROW), hl
ld hl, Str3
call _puts
LD A,0000b
OUT (BPORT),A ; is used for setting D0 high, D1 high
LD A,0011b
OUT (BPORT),A ; is used for setting D0 low, D1 low
LD A,0000b
OUT (BPORT),A ; is used for setting D0 high, D1 high
Str1: .db "MIKE'S ",0
Str2: .db "REMOTE",0
Str3: .db "CONTROL",0
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