Re: TI-H: Radio Link revisited
Re: TI-H: Radio Link revisited
Not quite, because of a few shortcomings of the port and the transmitter.
One: No error correction... sound can be slightly off... digital data cannot.
Two: Okay, we transmitted the data. But the port is bidirectional. You have
to have those pins capable of transmitting and receiving at all times.
I thought about it a while back (In the first age of Mel... hehehe), but I
was shot down by many, including (insert heavenly choir here) the almighty
Mel (stop heavenly choir)
Larry G Currie wrote:
> In the new surplus catalog, there is a device designed to take the sound
> output of the headphone jack of a portable CD player and make it FM so
> that it can be picked up on your car radio. (I think It's $15-) It seems
> like 1/2 of the link transmitter/reciever. all we need is a FM decoder
> to have working link hardware =)
> Larry C
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