Re: TI-H: Another memory expander idea.
Re: TI-H: Another memory expander idea.
In a message dated 7/17/98 5:25:42 PM EST, writes:
> Why not buffer to an SRAM? The data wouldn't need to remain after power
> goes off if you're just using it for a buffer.
> On a side note I doubt a floppy interface would be practical at all.
> The HP-48 has one and it costs nearly $300, and its just not worth it.
> If you want a small portable way to carry around programs, buy an E2.
> Floppy drivers require too much power, are too heavy, and are too
> hard to interface.
Well, my thought on this one was that it was easier to use an existing
architecture than design a new one. OK, here's an idea I will throw at you
What about designing a new media. Somewhat similar to the E2, I guess, or
more so the SPinTerface. It could be a small (probably under 1" sq.) module
that plugged into the link port, and could just as easily be removed. It
seems like this MIGHT be more practical in many cases than a link cable, or an
IR or radio link.
(Other thought: TI made something that like had sonar and could input to the
TI-82, maybe all CBL compatible calcs. What about a SOUND link (would be
above audible freq. I'm no expert in electronics, but it sounds feasible.)