RE: TI-H: Grant: Lets chagne the subject, shall we?


RE: TI-H: Grant: Lets chagne the subject, shall we?

>> 1)  is it really that simple?  can i jsut use my 36.6K modem connected
>> to my gateway and have people come to my server through the normal
>> internet?  do i need a deicated line, or rent IP address/domain name or
>> something?  etc: anything else i need special?
>Yep!  You can even do that with Windows 95.  Or NT, or 3.1, or just about
>any other operating system.  Just download a web server program
>(  I use Sambar,
>because it's fairly small and fast.  (I use my Windows web server for
>testing web pages when I'm developing in Windows, but Linux is used for
>serving them up outside, although you could do it from Windows).

Yes, but with linux you can get a 386 to do the job of routing and serving
just fine...

>> 2) waht speed of modem does yours use?
>I use a 56k dialup.  I want to get a 56k dedicated, but that costs mucho
>> 4) is this stuff hard to do?
>Not really.
>Bruce Christensen - - ICQ: 12635516
>TI Calculator Link Cables -
>Customer Site -
>Coming soon:!

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