TI-H: Ph34r my 3r337 nu hax0red t0y


TI-H: Ph34r my 3r337 nu hax0red t0y

It's smaller than a TI-8x, has 2MB of storage, and has a damn stable
TCP/IP stack.  It's fast, simple, features a touch screen, a full blown
graphing calculator, and I've been on the web with 2-bit grayscale
graphics, IRCed from it, and even done all of my mail from it.  Did I
mention telnet, VNC capabilities, and most other stuff you'd like?  Oh
yeah, and it has handwriting recognition.

Sadly, it's a PalmIII, so I didn't design it.  But if any of you started
to believe that I had (read this, Grant) you're probably pissed off at
this.  I wasn't very clear about it, and it seemed like I was taking
credit for it.  Which reminds me, I'm selling them for $350 a piece (no
joke this time).

Honestly though, we ALL have to keep our heads out of the clouds.  I had
a massive modular OS design a while back for low-end computing devices,
such as TI calcs.  And I was sure it would work.  I neglected one
important thing.  32K of combined storage/RAM is nothing.

But as long as I'm mentioning ideas, how about that old idea of
redesigning the TI cases?  I'd like one that properly holds AA
batteries, and maybe even has a belt clip.  Maybe this would some kind
of holder for the calc itself, much like the cover, only better desgined
to be permanently attached, yet unobtrusive.  THIS is more realistic
than say, TILinux... although, that would also be very cool.  (Bryan,
how much storage can you cram onto that current EII based on the latest

Other stuff... now that we have a schematic, who can make an IR link off
of the EII?

