Re: TI-H: General questions with a possibly big impact.
Re: TI-H: General questions with a possibly big impact.
>>>>>Also, ive been out of touch with the net community lately, so is the
>>>>>Radio Link Grant was working on finished yet?
>>>>Grant stopped. No questions asked, people where harassing him.
>>>>Its better to work on an mp3 player and get 1000 hits a day from people who
>>>>don't flame every post you make.
>>>Heh you don't get flames yet because you haven't released enough
>>>detailed information :).
>>><evil snicker> :)
>>What happened to the realease of the EII in december? hehehe :)
>Heh at least well I never got flames that I couldn't shoot back down
Neither did I. There is no reason why I got about 10 for working on a
radio link. So after about 1 day of working on it I stopped.
here, I'll give all the lamerz save 1. I've got 5 saves.
its very very incomplete. :) And I know bryan hates things like software
modems... :)
Also, most of the ideas used in here are trash because they wouldn't
actually work. The FCC would hunt you down and kill ya.
;Radio MoDem v.05
;(C)Grant Stockly 1998
;Goal: To get the chip to controll the radio transmitter.
; To get the chip to change state when the wire
; changes state. If the transmit line goes
; high, the chip would code that into a '0'
; and output it to the radio transmitter.
; The transciever would then sense the
; change of line state and change its receive
; line to a '0'. The same holds true for a
; high '255'. There will also be an option
; programmed in to accept values such as 197
; as a high or 15 as a low. This will solve
; reception/transmittion problems fairly well.
;Once these goals are meat, a better link will be devolped.
;Future: An 8 segment 'bar' LED to represent the strength
; of the signal. This would be usefull to get
; it a place that has good reception. THe LED
; should be able to update every 5 seconds
; without any slow down on the transmition/
; reception.
; A Carrier detect signal. This will probably never
; be impliminted since the signal strength
; would tell you if you were in range and
; operating...
; Anything I left off this list.
;This beta edition basically creates a virtural serial cable
;between computers.
;* General Send and Receive info:
;* -RadioRx
;* This section checks the ADC (Analogue to Digital
;* Converter) to see wether or not it needs to change
;* line state. If it needs to change line state, it will
;* pull 'SeriaRx'.
;* -RadioTx
;* This section changes the value of the RadioTx line.
;* This section is actually part of SeriaTx, but it has
;* its own name just for fun... :)
;* -SeriaTx
;* This section checks the 'SeriaTx' line for a change in
;* state. If a change is needed, it will set the DAC
;* (Digital to Analogue Comverter).
;* -SeriaRx
;* This section pulls the 'SeriaRx' line. It has no need
;* for its own name since its actually part of 'RadioRx',
;* but maybe it will keep me organized... :P
sbi PORTC, rxstat ;pull rxstat high
rcall getADC ;get value of Rx line
cpi ADCr, 192 ;if its greater than 192
brpl RxPlus ;then its high
cbi PORTC, serrx ;change/update SeriaRx line
cbi PORTC, rxstat ;pull rxstat low
ret ;done
RxPlus: sbi PORTC, serrx ;change/update SeriaRX line
cbi PORTC, rxstat ;pull rxstat low
ret ;done
sbi PORTC, txstat ;pull txstat line high
sbic PORTC, sertx ;get value of 'SeriaTx' line
rjmp TxPlus ;if high, send %11111111 (256)
rcall DAClow ;if its low send %00000000 (0)
cbi PORTC, txstat ;pull txstat line low
TxPlus: rcall DAChigh ;change/update RadioTx line
cbi PORTC, txstat ;pull txstat line low
.def ADCr =r16
.equ txstat =0
.equ rxstat =1
.equ sertx =2
.equ serrx =3
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