Re: TI-H: Power PC
Re: TI-H: Power PC
That is what most people will do with IE and Win98. They won't go out
and d/l netscape,then install it since they have IE already installed on
their computer. That is one reason why the gov't is investigating MS.
>Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 14:45:48 -0400
>Subject: Re: TI-H: Power PC
>From: (Larry G Currie)
>I like Netscape better, but use IE at home because all I do is ofline
>html reading unless I get an internet connection and then I might pay
>netscape. Until then, I'll just use IE.
>~Larry C
>On Mon, 13 Jul 1998 11:27:55 -0400 Bryan Rittmeyer <>
>>Adam Johnson wrote:
>>> I assume you use IE then? Go ahead, fuel the MS empire! Its bad
>>enough were
>>> stuck with thier OS, somedays I can't wait until Apple releases
>>Rapsody<sp?> for
>>> Intel machines. (They are going to release their OS for Intel
>>No, I use netscape but gripe about it. I hate IE enough to not even
>>it. :)
>>Bryan Rittmeyer
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