Re: TI-H: ti-calc schematics...
Re: TI-H: ti-calc schematics...
>Yes, you can control the TI link port by accessing port 7. However,
>the TI calculators do not have an accurate timebase (they use an RC
>pair rather than a crystal) so do not expect any kind of accurate
>serial communication. Of course you could probably manage to do
>RS-232 by having a loop measure the baud rate of an incoming CHR$(13)
>-- I was just reading on article on how to do this on a C52 -- and
>then you can send/rec stuff at that baud rate just knowing how long
>to wait between bits. There is a pretty decent chance that the
>8X won't be able to accurately or consistantly match that baud
>rate though, it may be off a few percent. Over about 2.5% timing
>error and you'll start to see errors. I recommend using something
>like the graphlink if you really must have serial communication.
>The E2 will also give you some extra interfacing options (4 I/O
>and bi-dir half-duplex serial)
Thats why I stated to get a DC to DC converter so the voltage stays the
same. I think ALL ELECTRONICS had one for $3.
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