Re: TI-H: mp3


Re: TI-H: mp3

yah, its easy to compress it but, damn, its a pain to decompress(play) it on a
slow computer.

I have an old 486 laptop that i use every so often and it takes like 10min to load
a damn file.

I read in some artice that MP4 would be 2x of MP3, 500K/min. with the same quality
as mp3. seems to good to be true... time will tell


Brian Watson wrote:

> >Motion Picture Experts Group 1 Layer 3 encoded audio.
> >
> >
> >
> >>ok, so maybe i will seem like an idiot to you guys...but i have been wanting
> >>to ask this question for a while now:  WHAT IS A MP3???
> Near CD quality audio with great compression!  About 1MB/minute with CD
> quality!
> --Brian

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