Re: TI-H: Electronics junk


Re: TI-H: Electronics junk

>From: "Muhammed J. Galadima" <>
>Subject: Re: TI-H: Electronics junk
>Date: Thu, 09 Jul 1998 05:39:00 GMT
>>A relay is basically an electrically operated mechanical switch. It
>>consists of two or more metal contacts and an electromagnet that, when
>>powered, will pull the metal contacts together and activate the
>>circuit. Its a fairly good way to get safe and relatively 
>>uncompromisable electrical seperation between one circuit and another,
>>although I'd probably use an optoisolator and/or MOSFET depending
>>on the application; since relays have moving parts they can fail.
>>There is no real '- volts' Current does not flow in 'different'
>>as the name suggests, e-'s flow in a circuitious path from positive to
>>negative (unless I have it backwards, and I probably do). Thus the
>>negative side of the battery can be considered an electron return, or 
>yup, u got it backwards, electrons go from neg to pos...
>aren't there non-mechanical relays too? i'm not surebut I thought there 
>>ground. A power ground for all intensive purposes is the negative side
>>a battery, but in RF circuits you may see an Earth ground (in which 
>>literally connect that portion of the circuit to a copper rod in the
>>and, every now and then, you'll see various other types of grounds. 
>>battery circuits its usually necessary to connect the negative battery
>>to the ground return.
>exactly... I was reading somewhere (I might have forgotten a bit so 
>correct me if I'm wrog) the ground is a reference voltage, in between 
>the pos. and neg., so say you had 2 batteries connected in series the 
>pos. terminal would be +V, the neg terminal -V, and in between the 2 
>batteries would be the ground.
Yep that's right.  That sort of power setup is mostly used for 
It looks like this:

I forget what it is called, though.

Matt Butch

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