Re: TI-H: TI-Modem


Re: TI-H: TI-Modem

Look at people like me...  :)  We just use unused freqs on the 3m band...

>Well do you want a bunch of idiots screwing up the airwaves?  I wouldn't.
>>when I said communism, I ment the communist dictatorship that Russia
>>started (and that China adopted).  That form is about the the gov't
>>controlling everything, speech, news etc, etc.  Our gov't is becoming
>>more and more like that right under our noses.  Look at Clinton(a
>>commie), who just whent to CHINA, and next to RUSSIA.  There are more
>>and more laws preventing use from being free(not the stealing, killing,
>>etc, etc laws).  The people must be warned.
>>Matt Butch
>>President of the Anti-Communist Party

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