Re: TI-H: The Phonz


Re: TI-H: The Phonz

The speakerphone is probably from an old buisiness phone system (you know,
with numerous extension/paging/transferring capabilities and more than one
line).  As for rigging it to work in a normal RJ11,  phones only use two
wires (ring/tip). You might be able to discard some wires, but probably not
enough and have it still work.

Larry G Currie wrote:

> Two phone questions (reguarding old commercial surplus stuff)
> 1. I have a speakerphone and cable that is similar to 4-wire RJ-11 except
> that it is 8 wires.  Can I cross some wires/cut some to make it
> compatible with my normal RJ11 phone system?
> 2. I have several things that plug into a RJ-11 phone jack (but only use
> two wires ) and the other end of the adapter is something similar to
> coaxial but has a male tip inside and outside is another contact.  The
> round thing covering the outside contact appears to be able to twist to
> lock on to the cable as it has grooves in it.
>  ~Larry C
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Chris Cooper
"I Teleported home one night with Ron, and Sid and Meg,
Ron stole meggies heart away, and I got Sidney's leg."
    -Douglas Adams
