Re: TI-H: TI 86 backlight project
Re: TI-H: TI 86 backlight project
You need something with a longer blade. a knife with a nice searated
edge is good. Also, if you have it, you may want to try a jig saw blade.
I has a flt end and you pull to cut. It's a bit safer (don't actualy use
a jig saw though! =)
The plexiglass can be thin, but make sure light can get in the edge. I'd
recomend a standard 1/4 inch plexiglass as a maximum thickness, and
about 2 mm thick as a minimum. I doubt a baseball card case is thich
enough to pich up the light
good luck!
Richard Piotter
>I have a question for someone who has successfully installed a
>into a seems I can't get my razor to cut the foam on 2 sides
>the display, there are ribbon cables that connect the board to the
>lcd..are there any tricks to doing this without breaking it??
>AND could someone tell me the thickness of the plexiglass again?
>I was thinking of using a plastic baseball-card holder thing...would
>If i'm missing any other important parts please fill me in..thank you..
>mike orofino
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