Re: TI-H: floppy drive
Re: TI-H: floppy drive
I happen to have two sitting in my lap right now.. :) I was gonna trash
them but they never made it to the garbage.. use to have about 12 of
them.. I'd be happy to send them to you if you send me the s&h or just the
motors if you wish.. I beilieve they are working.. though I've never
tested them out.. anyway there tandon double bay ( i think that's what you
meant by full size.. :) 5 1/4 errmm think 360k flops.. just write me if ya
want em..
ryan pogge wrote:
> hello,
> i have been searching for an old Tandon full-height 5 1/4 inch floppy
> drive, such as used in the original IBM PC and many clones,
> others would work but the tandon is the best. i just need the motor so
> as long as the motor spins...
> if anyone has one that they are willing to sell, or if anyone knows
> where i can pick one up, please e-mail me
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